
Lava 火山戀曲-Inside Out By Disney Pixar

加入 2015-08-24 23:17:04 | 長度: 5分44秒 | 類別: 歌曲
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(Narrator) 旁白
A long long time ago there was a volcano 從前從前有一座火山
Living all alone in the middle of the sea 獨自住在海的中央
He sat high above his bay watching all the couples play 他高高在他的海灣上看著別人成雙成對的玩耍
And wishing that he had someone too 希望他自己也有個伴
And from his lava came this song of hope that he sang 從他噴出的愛的岩漿中他唱出了這首希望之歌
Out loud every day for years and years 年復一年每天大聲的唱著

(Uku) 烏庫
I have a dream I hope will come true 我有個夢我希望會成真
That you’re here with me and I’m here with you 你在這裡陪伴著我,我在這裡陪伴著你
I wish that the earth, sea, the sky up above 我希望大地,海洋,高高在上的天空
Will send me someone to lava 將會為我送來一個接受我岩漿之愛的人

(Narrator) 旁白
Years of singing all alone turned his lava into stone 獨自唱了許多年他的岩漿之愛唱成了石頭
Until he was on the brink of extinction 直到他到快要熄滅變成死火山
But little did he know that living in the sea below 但是他不知道的是在海底下
Another volcano was listening to his song 另外一個火山正聽著他的歌
Every day she heard his tune her lava grew and grew 每天她聽著他的歌曲她的岩漿不斷地增加
Because she believed his song was meant for her 因為她相信他的歌是為她而唱
Now she was so ready to meet him above the sea 現在她已經準備好要跟他在海面上相會
As he sang his song of hope the last time 就在他最後一次唱著他的希望之歌時

(Uku) 烏庫 
I have a dream I hope will come true 我有個夢我希望會成真
That you’re here with me and I’m here with you 你在這裡陪伴著我,我在這裡陪伴著你
I wish that the earth, sea, the sky up above 我希望大地,海洋,高高在上的天空
Will send me someone to lava 將會為我送來一個接受我岩漿之愛的人

(Narrator) 旁白
Rising from the sea below stood a lovely volcano 從海底升起了一個可愛的火山
Looking all around but she could not see him 四周張望但是她看不到他
He tried to sing to let her know that she was not there alone 他試著想要對她唱歌讓她知道她不是孤單的
But with no lava his song was all gone 但是沒有了愛的岩漿,他的歌唱不出來
He filled the sea with his tears and watched his dreams disappear 他的眼淚填滿了大海眼睜睜的看著他的夢想消失
As she remembered what his song meant to her 就在她想起他的歌是為她而唱時

(Lele) 樂樂
I have a dream I hope will come true 我有個夢我希望會成真
That you’re here with me and I’m here with you 你在這裡陪伴著我,我在這裡陪伴著你
I wish that the earth, sea, the sky up above 我希望大地,海洋,高高在上的天空
Will send me someone to lava 將會為我送來一個接受我岩漿之愛的人

(Narrator) 旁白
Oh they were so happy to finally meet above the sea 噢,他們是如此的快樂終於能在海上相會
All together now their lava grew and grew 他們的愛的岩漿一起不斷地增加
No longer are they all alone with aloha as their new home 他們不再孤單寂寞,他們結合成「阿囉哈」,他們的新家
And when you visit them this is what they sing 當你去拜訪他們時,他們是這麼唱著

(Uku and Lele) 烏庫與樂樂
I have a dream I hope will come true 我有個夢我希望會成真
That you’ll grow old with me and I’ll grow old with you 你會跟我一起變老,我會跟你一起變老
We thank the earth, sea, the sky we thank too 我們感謝大地,海洋,我們也感謝天空
I lava you 我給你我的岩漿之愛
I lava you 我給你我的岩漿之愛
I lava you 我給你我的岩漿之愛

關鍵字:  Lava   火山戀曲   InsideOut   腦筋急轉彎